The Wild Ones
Welcome to our team page. This team was created in memory of 10 precious baby boys. Each of us will give a little story about each of our babies and how Angel Babies has helped us during our life long grief journey. We are seeking donations for an important cause. We’re supporting Angel Babies, and we hope you will join us in whatever way you can. Angel Babies is a vital resource for families who have lost a baby, of have a baby with a life-limiting illness.
People are not taught how to deal with the death of a baby. Our friends and family often don't know what to say. Most people expect the parents, especially the father, to return to work within a few days after the loss and be "back to normal" within a matter of months. But the death of a baby changes parents forever, and results in a uniquely deep and personal grieving process. The Angel Babies/Bebitos Angelitos bereavement service at Hinds Hospice provides families with helpful information and support during their journey of grief and mourning.
Please help us support this important community service. This program is only available at Hinds Hospice and depends on community funding.
Brandon and Phoenix Xiong - Brandon was born in October 2019 at 21 weeks and 4 days due to PPROM. He lived for about 30 minutes. Our youngest baby, Phoenix, was born at 19 weeks 3 days also due to PPROM on January 19, 2023 after conceiving him through IVF. We have been devastated. There are so many things that Angel Babies has done for us over the years. We are participating in grief counseling and another Angel Babies group for Phoenix. Please join us for the Angel Babies Walk this year in memory of our two boys, Brandon & Phoenix. Thank you. Love Jennifer & Leevon.
Jordan Daniel Jimenez changed my whole world since day one. He was the sweetest most precious baby I ever laid my eyes on. I am truly honored to have carried him and held him in his twenty-seven days of life. Bunny, as I called him came into the world on November 29, 2021. At early gestation we were diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, his left side of his heart was basically nonexsist. The most horrible news I could've gotten. I remained hopeful in the Lord and in his open heart surgey. Bunny was in the NICU and PICU for a total of twenty-seven days I was with him everyday of his life. He was my breakthrough. He showed me what love is, he showed me how to keep in faith, and even to this day he still shows his extended love for his mama. Although he is in heaven I miss him dearly every single day. If it wasn't for Jordan I wouldn't have met these wonderful individuals who are now my family, who their babies feel like mine at times, and I know they brought us together to help eachother in this long journey. We would really appreciate any donations for this wonderful organization that has help us so much! And for future parents. Thank you!
Benjamin Noel Rayas was so loved from the first time we knew we were expecting. He was our fourth baby and was so spoiled already. He moved so much in my belly and loved when I ate anything sweet! He would kick and move around so much! I loved when he would get the hiccups from how full he and I would get. He tricked me a couple times, made me think he was coming early. I wish he would have sometimes because maybe he would still be here. On Monday November 22nd, I had my weekly appointment and he and I were doing great. I got to hear his heartbeat for the last time and I didn’t even know it. Later that same day I felt a sharp pain and contractions and rushed to the hospital. When I got there I was too late and my doctor told me that we had lost the baby due to a Placental Abruption. My world became dark that day. Angel Babies changed my life and showed me that I can still grieve and be happy at the same time. They introduced me to a group of women who had gone through similar losses and made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I am so thankful that I met these amazing, strong women! Thank you Angel Babies for everything that you do! Please join us for the Angel Babies walk/run or feel free to make a donation if you are unable to join us. Anything is appreciated. Thank you, Benjamin’s Family!
Desmond James Burton was born December 23rd, 2021 at 21 weeks and 6 days. He was due in April 2022 and during pregnancy he was healthy and growing perfectly, even measuring 3 days early. We went into early labor caused by an incompetent cervix that we didn’t know of until after his birth. Desmond lived for a few hours before he passed away and was so loved by family and friends from the moment he existed. During our journey of mourning his loss we found Angel babies and met other amazing mothers, fathers and babies that were like us, trying to continue to live without our son. We also discovered we were going to have another baby! We kept our pregnancy a secret as long as possible because of our fears of losing another child, so we joined the subsequent pregnancy group at Hinds Hospice for more support. Then lo and behold Desmond had a little sister born in December as well. We have found comfort, lifelong friends and support in the Angel Baby program, so please donate or join us at the Angel Baby walk in honor of our baby boy!