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I’m seeking donations for an important cause. I’m supporting Angel Babies, and hope you will join me in whatever way you can. Angel Babies is a vital resource for families who have lost a baby, or have a baby with a life-limiting illness.
People are not taught how to deal with the death of a baby. Our friends and family often don't know what to say. Most people expect the parents, especially the father, to return to work within a few days after the loss and be "back to normal" within a matter of months. But the death of a baby changes parents forever, and results in a uniquely deep and personal grieving process. The Angel Babies/Bebitos Angelitos bereavement service at Hinds Hospice provides families with helpful information and support during their journey of grief and mourning.
Please help me support this important community service. This program is only available at Hinds Hospice and depends on community funding.
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